Year 1 Blog Page
Year 1 Staff
10 Mrs Oldershaw
1B Mrs Banister
1C Miss Chand
Miss Keyland
Mrs Phillips
Mrs Coope
Miss Green
Mrs Keyland
Miss Barbour
Miss Tunicliffe
Useful Information
PE days
All Y1 - Monday Outdoor Games (trainers, joggers, t-shirt, tracksuit top)
Thursday - All classes Indoor P.E. (pumps,shorts/leggings, t-shirt/long sleeve)
Reading - Your child should read everyday. Listen to them and discuss their book at least 3 times a week, signing their reading record.
Spellings - These will be sent home weekly and tested on a Friday..
Times Table Rockstars - Ensure your child can log in at least 3 times a week.
Each half term, your child will be given a project based homework, which gives you and your child the chance to become creative and expand their knowledge.
Our Spring Project
Stomp, crash, roar! Watch out – there are dinosaurs about! Yes, that’s right, we’re travelling back in time to the age of the dinosaurs. This half term, we’ll visit a museum, look closely at ancient fossils and study reptiles to understand how dinosaurs may have lived and eventually died out. We’ll learn about the great fossil hunter, Mary Anning, and follow in her footsteps, studying dinosaur teeth and bones to find out what dinosaurs liked to eat. Learning dinosaur names, creating puzzling riddles, writing fantastic fact files and creating exciting dinosaur stories are some of the other activities we’ll be involved in this half term. We’ll also use our artistic skills to make model dinosaurs and to design dinosaur landscapes.