Year 6 2024 - 2025
Miss Barnard
Mr Bailey
Mrs Burley
Welcome to Year 6!
Year 6 Staff:
6H: Rauf Class - Mr Harrison
6KB: Blackman Class - Miss Barnard
6RB: Pullman Class - Mr Bailey
Year 6 Teaching Assistants: Miss Faulkner, Miss Keyland, Mr Grace and Mrs Williams
Useful Information
PE Days: Monday and Friday.
The chidlren should come to school wearing their PE kit. PE kit should consist of a white t-shirt with blue/black shorts or joggers.
The children will be going swimming on a Friday. They will need to bring a towel, thier costume and a swim hat (if they have long hair).
Reading: our aim is for every child to read for at least 25 minutes everyday. We have a lunchtime reading club 3 times per week for children who need a quiet place to read.
Spellings: these will be given out on a Friday and then tested on the following Friday.
Times Table Rockstars: our aim is for every to use TTRS for 10 minutes per day. This can be on any of the games.