Village Primary Academy

Village Primary Academy

School Admissions

Children are usually admitted into Foundation Stage Two (Reception) in the school year that they are five years old.

How do I apply for an infant, junior or primary school place?

Derby City Council admissions service is responsible for coordinating all applications from parents for school places in our catchment area.

If you want to apply for an infant, junior or primary school place in Derby, you need to make an application to DCC. If you are unsure whether your school is in Derby, you can check by using Directgov’s Local Authority Listings. You need to apply to your local council even if the school is in another council’s area.

As a parent you have a legal right to express a preference for a school that you want your child to attend. If your preferred school has a place, then a place should be offered to your child. Please click here to apply :

Making an in-year application

If you want to make an application for a school in Derby City Council’s area, you need to complete a Primary School in-year admission form. As the Council’s Admissions service, DCC are responsible for co-ordinating all applications made for secondary school places.

Alternatively, you can complete the eform – it’s quick and easy. If you want to apply using a paper form, you can telephone 01332 642726 to ask DCC to send you one.

How Derby City Council (DCC) process your application

When you complete your application form you will have the opportunity to express preferences in rank order for up to three schools both in and outside of Derby City. You will also be able state your reasons for your preferences.

DCC will then process your application form according to how you have ranked your schools and you should receive a written decision from them within 15 working days.

Letting you know the decision

DCC will send you their decision which will be one of these three outcomes…

  • School place is offered where your child meets the criteria for a place at the first preferred school.
  • School place is offered where your child meets the criteria for a place at the second or subsequent highest ranked preferred school.
  • Where it is not possible to offer you the highest ranked school, your child will be added to that school’s waiting list and you are informed of how to appeal to the Independent Appeal Panel if you wish.

You can also track your application process online.

How do I appeal against the decision?

Please see our Appeals Policy before making an application to Derby City Council.

Village Primary Academy

155 Village Street, Derby, DE23 8DF

Mrs E Luff Executive: Principal

01332 766492

The Harmony Trust

Alderson Street, Oldham, Lancashire, OL9 6AQ

CEO: Antony Hughes

Chair of Trustees: Andrew McCully

0161 260 0482 (ext 15)

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