Village Primary Academy

Village Primary Academy

Uniform Details

Uniform Requirements at Village Primary Academy


 Pupils should wear:

  • a royal blue sweatshirt/cardigan (with or without embroidered logo) 
  • a white shirt/blouse (polo shirt accepted)
  • grey or black skirt/trousers/shorts
  • white/grey /black socks or tights
  • sensible footwear preferably black, grey or dark blue, including trainers
  • fleeces with embroidered logo are also acceptable
  • blue checked dress in warmer weather
  • black sensible shoes (without heels)

Hair accessories should be co-ordinated with the academy uniform and should not be overly excessive.

In the Early Years Foundation Stage, we expect all our pupils to be able to fully engage in both indoor and outdoor play based learning. We encourage children in Nursery and Reception to bring Wellies and waterproofs wherever possible. They may also wear jogging bottoms or leggings in navy blue or black during the usual academy day.


PE Kit

All pupils wear:

  • a white t-shirt
  • Black shorts or leggings for indoor PE
  • dark jogging bottoms or leggings for outdoor PE (shorts may be worn in hot weather)
  • a dark sweatshirt/ hoodie if needed
  • socks
  • PE pumps for indoor PE, suitable trainers for outdoors
  • swimming costume / swimming trunks, towel and swimming cap for those pupils attending swimming lessons

All pupils must change into the appropriate PE Kit for physical activities.  This should currently be done at home on a PE day. 

Pupils should not wear earrings for PE.  If stud earrings are worn, they must be removed for P.E for health and safety reasons. The child must take out their own earrings for P.E, but if this is not possible, then they must not be worn to school on the day of P.E.

Pupils are not permitted to wear:

  • Jewellery except for one small stud earring in each pierced ear, symbols of faith (see below) and a watch.  The school can not be held responsible for any lost or damaged jewellery
  • Make-up


Symbols of Faith

  • Certain items of jewellery, such as the Kara bangle, and certain items of headwear, such as the turban or a headscarf may be worn by pupils when doing so is genuinely based on manifesting religious or racial beliefs or identity. This is subject to considerations of safety and welfare.  


    Where there is uncertainty as to whether an item may be worn under this section, the issue must be referred by the pupil's parents to the Principal, whose decision will be final, subject to the complaints procedure set out in the Complaints Policy.

Uniform with the school logo can be purchased from Andrew Hyde Schoolwear

All uniform clothing is available (without school logo) from most

local supermarkets.

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Village Primary Academy

155 Village Street, Derby, DE23 8DF

Mrs E Luff Executive: Principal

01332 766492

The Harmony Trust

Alderson Street, Oldham, Lancashire, OL9 6AQ

CEO: Antony Hughes

Chair of Trustees: Andrew McCully

0161 260 0482 (ext 15)

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