T: 01332 766492

E: info@village.theharmonytrust.org

Village Primary Academy

Village Primary Academy


A Message from the Executive Principal

‘Believe, Achieve, Succeed’ is what we are all about at Village Primary Academy. We believe in every child’s potential and right to make excellent progress, through quality first teaching, motivational learning experiences and relevant, exciting curriculum. We also believe in developing the whole child, so personal & social progress and skills are developed with as much importance and rigour attached to them, as the academic areas of learning.

We want all of our pupils to achieve their full potential in terms of end of year and key stage assessments as this ensures that they are well prepared for the next phase of their education, and of course, their future life as adults.
Success comes in many forms: academic progress, social progress along with high achievement in subjects and all areas of learning.

At Village Primary Academy, we believe that even in ordinary places, extraordinary things happen! It’s our job and aim to bring that alive each day for every pupil in our academy.

We look forward to continuing this exciting journey with all of our pupils, parents and carers, staff, community members alongside the Harmony Trust. Together we know that will achieve more and more every year as a learning community.

Emma Luff
Executive Principal

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General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)

Village Primary Academy is committed to protecting and managing the data we hold. We manage our data in line with the law - in particular, the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) which came into effect throughout Europe on the 25th May 2018.

COVID-19 Response 

Our Academy is committed to keeping everyone safe during these challenging times caused by the Coronavirus Pandemic. At this time, we are doing all that is reasonably possible to protect our staff, children and their families. We have taken a range of measures to ensure that we are compliant with all government recommendations.

We encourage all children who are well to come to school every day. Please support us by adhering social distancing and wearing a face covering when dropping off or collecting your child.

We are proud to be part of The Harmony Trust

Its core aim is to raise attainment in local schools. The Harmony Trust has the highest aspirations for its pupils, parents and staff members and we work hard to ensure that every child achieves.

View the trust site

Village Primary Academy

155 Village Street, Derby, DE23 8DF

Mrs E Luff Executive: Principal

01332 766492


The Harmony Trust

Alderson Street, Oldham, Lancashire, OL9 6AQ

CEO: Antony Hughes

Chair of Trustees: Andrew McCully

0161 260 0482 (ext 15)


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